Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alocto Stadium Part 2 - Archery Floors

This is a continuation of yesterday's post on the Alocto Stadium which can be seen here:

Today I'll be talking the second and third floors of the building, which make up the archery floors.

The second floor has two stairs that come up from the Gladiator Floor, and come into mini rooms with four exits. This mini room goes into a larger room with four stairs going up to the third floor.

After getting up to the third floor, there is a great open space to snipe people on the second floor, but it is very open, so people can fire back at you and gain cover on the bottom. 

QOTD: Bows or Swords? 


  1. Bows - Always. Hold down the trigger and spam some arrows.

    Nice floor by the way, looks like a great arena

  2. I'd rather go with a diamond sword then a bunch of arrows.

  3. swords, cuz i rarely get string for bows, haha

  4. looks great! and thanks for the screen shots, relaly makes the post more interesting.

  5. i can't even imagine how long that took

    also, bows

  6. this. is. so. cool.
    the only thing i managed to build was a little one bedroom shack, haha

    also, swords.

  7. Nice! Looks like a lot of fun!

  8. Ok, I apologize, I still havent't tried this game yet, but I still am accepting of it!

  9. good luck. seems like a cool game.

  10. this is going to be helpful, thank you
